Sunday, July 15, 2007

We're in Business!

Being the neighborhood "bike guy", I have been fixing the neighbor kids bikes here & there. Minor stuff, but it keeps them rolling. G had this sign made for me, so we can make it official! The neighbor boys were over last night, on their bikes, and mentioned that they can now pay for my services....I won't hold my breath.

We went to "Balloons on the Prairie" yesterday afternoon in Peoria. Not because of the hot air balloon's & such, but for the petting zoo that was going to be there. This little dude fell in love w/ G, and wanted to come home with us.

The animals are your best friend in the world, as long as you have food to feed them!

The owner said Roo the kangaroo was NOT in a good mood. Supposedly, he wanted to go for a ride, and not to Peoria!

The goats were digging me, as I had handful after handful of food for them! Funny, when I ran out, they weren't that interested in me anymore. They moved on to some 6 year old!

And, I got to meet a distant relative of mine,Ted the Tortoise! He is some relation to the turtle somewhere, so we hammed it up for a while, and then he decided he needed to eat some lettuce. We said our goodbyes till next time.

Things have been pretty low-key. Got about 160 miles in each week for the past 2 weeks, and have been feeling better, I guess.

The Badger is out of town (probably healing from the whooping I threw on him a while back) and the remainder of my training buddies have been tied up with personal or business stuff, so nothing monumental happening. Till next time!


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