Saturday, October 14, 2006

OK, Fine, Call Me a Comeback, But I've Been Here For Years

Been a busy little boy lately. Work has done the seasonal busy, slow, busy slow etc. I have finally made the decision I should have made a while back (1 year ago?), but did not. I am going to shelve the bike & gym for a while, until I get re-couped. In the interim, I have filled those voids with physical therapy, acupuncture treatments, yoga and time in the pool, doing more PT on my own, and some swimming.

The picture above is one of the many things that I cannot do right now, but PT has been great. I went for some land PT yesterday afternoon with Darvis, and we have seen HUGE improvements in the past 3 weeks. Huge is like 5%, but that's great!

I have got to end this "on again, off again" relationship I have been having with my left leg and move forward.

Haven't seen Martha, Martha, Martha in a while, and I believe she is avoiding me. Went through Nurse Barb withdrawls last week, so I called the local Panera in Peoria, where she spends her working hours, and we had a nice chat. For some reason, the patient rooms have had a full stock of reflex hammers and latex gloves now that I haven't been there for a while. I am going back in a couple of weeks, for what I believe is the almost final exam by The Man himself, Dr. Maxey. I suspect were going to see almost 90% + healing in the left tibia.

Yesterday, Darvis stated that my mortise joint in my ankle was screwed up, and is most likely the major cause of all the pain, blah, blah, blah. We discussed this little bugger, what to do etc.

I then thought about it for a minute, and asked: " Darvis, let's say that I had a whole semi-load of mortise. Would that mean that I had rig-of-mortise?" Get it? Rig-of-mortise?????

I thought it was hilarious, and laughed myself silly. He did not.


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