Wednesday, August 23, 2006


You ever wonder why everyone complains about healthcare in the United States? Simple: Lack of Communication!

I ended riding the fixed gear bike last night w/ some of my VQ training buddies, from Morton. We had a special guest on our ride, Andrew sergeant aka: "The Sarge". Not to bore you with the details, but Andy was one of the top elite cyclists in the country in the late 80's/early 90's. What does this have to do with anything? It doesn't! But........

Andy is ALSO the physician assistant to my surgeon, Dr. Maxey down at the Orthopedic Institute of Illinois. As we were riding, he was asking about my recovery, what I thought of Dr. Maxey etc, and he slipped, and brought up Nurse Barb, my "was favorite" nurse at one time. I explained that she WAS my favorite nurse, but she left me for another patient, the young hottie with the broken arm, blah, blah, blah. I called her a couple of times (not minding the restraining order) and she never called me back. Depression then set in.

Well, word travels fast I guess. Nurse Barb called me this afternoon, and asked, pleaded and then begged to be put back in "Favorite Nurse" status, as she never got my messages. (I believe the hottie with the broken arm had healed up, and it was over between them.) I agreed, as she is a wonderful person and quite funny, ie: she pretends to laugh at my jokes.

When she said that the next time I come in for an appointment, she had a little "gift" for me, I thought cool! Now, after thinking about a HUGE syringe being pierced into me, I had better schedule my next appointment on her day off...................


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