Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Let the Games Begin!

Still in the "cleanup" mode here, and came across some digital pics of my tibia from December of 2005, thought they were interesting. I plan on going back next month for another consultation, and see if any progress has been made. It has been 10 months since the bone graft & installation of the IM Nail (titanium rod) and screws.

The pic on the left is the same pic, just from the other side.

This pic is the end of the IM Nail at the ankle. Since this picture was taken, the lower/right screw has broken, and looks like a boomerang in there! Dr. Maxey doesn't think this is a HUGE concern, as all of the "parts" have some lifespan/fatigue cycle.

Hopefully it will be nice this week/weekend so I can get some outdoor miles in!


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