Friday, June 16, 2006

Ooops, I Did it Again............

Yes, I did IT AGAIN! I pre-registered for the annual Proctor Road Race, the weekend before the 4th of July. Why you ask? Because I have something to prove! Prove to whom? Have no idea, but when I find that person, I'll let you know.

I have been relegated by my favorite nurse, Nurse Barb. I go off to see the "Man" himself, Dr. Maxey this am, and low & behold, I am treated by another lovely nurse named Cheryl (sp). Nurse barb threw me by the way-side, probably for some hot young thing, with a broken arm or something. No loyalty in the ortho-business these days. I thought I was the one, but I guess not.

I made sure that she knew that Cheryl was now my "new" favorite nurse. She begged and pleaded for me to take her back, and so I did. I'm kind-of a routine type guy, and I don't like to see women cry, so I caved in. She has been moved back up to my favorite nurse status.

X-rays are looking good! Pain in the ankle, calf etc? Well, we don't really know, except it is probably a combination of nerve growth, atrophy and some ailment not discovered as of yet. I'll make one up at a later time, and sell it to the medical community for a billion + dollars, and retire to Fiji. No, scratch Fiji, as they don't have bike races there.

Before I went to see Mad Max this am, our Jack Russell Terrier,Darby said, if she could, that she would trade places with me, and take my broken leg, and the pain associated with it etc. I thought about it for a minute, and drew a mental image in my mind of what that would look like:

After seeing this image, in my mind of little Darby with a striped cast on her leg, I decided against it.........


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa, that was close. Two years of bliss nearly down the drain to a rookie nurse! Geez, how could you forget the time I took your staples out with my teeth, and took your temperature with the rectal thermometer... no wait, there's not enough rubber gloves in the world to do that!
Have a great race, you deserve it!

10:05 PM  
Blogger Steve Driscoll said...

Ooh, I forgot, I still owe "the practice" a box of non-latex examination gloves.......

8:20 AM  

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