Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Random Thoughts of Silliness

Just a few notes, nothing too mentally over-powering:

  • G is out of town on business for a few days, so I am home alone. She wanted to make sure that I was not too lonely when I went to sleep, so she invited some of The Boyz to take her place on the bed. We can all spoon & snuggle at bed time, and I can read them stories.

Sam & Darby, silly goofs, are kind of lost, now that their Mommy didn't return last night. I overheard Darby tell Sam, "that since Mommy is not coming home, and Daddy is a pushover, we can throw a HUGE party, grill steaks & drink beer!"

Here's Sam, our GOOD dog!

And our Devil Child, Darby.

If you were around during the Nancy Reagan era, you know that you should just say NO to drugs. I have taken her advice, and tried to stay away from the pain-drugs. They were making me more weird than I already am. Rode indoors on Sunday for the first time since Easter weekend. It was OK I guess. Plan on doing some indoor rides this week, and see how it goes, before I venture out on the road.

Yoga last night was good! I actually bought a YOGA mat, and brought it to class. I am going to do some basic yoga at home, to help out with stretching and all, try to get me a little more limbered up, and healed. Sheila aka: "The Yoga Nazi" liked the fact that I am going full bore with yoga, and brought my mat to use. She put the hurting on me last night, oh well. Till next time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve is it just a coincidence that Scruples happens to be in the background of your Devil Child?

7:34 PM  
Blogger Steve Driscoll said...

Ah ha, what a keen eye you have. Darby has no scruples, morals or ethics, at least that we know of. She will bite the hand that feeds her, and then snuggle against the bloody stump, in the cutest way!

9:52 AM  

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