Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Future, That's Where I Want to Be!!!!

"I'm very interested in the future, as I plan on spending the rest of my life there"

(author unknown, although it's not me)

For some reason today, it was a good day. Nope, scratch that, it was a GREAT day. I woke up, and just felt good, even the legs felt better for some reason. I actually felt SOOOO good today, that I went out and rode outdoors, the first time in 3 weeks, for 1.5 hours, just taking it all in, clearing my little brain.

While I was riding, I kept thinking about doing some yoga stretches after the ride, in the backyard, among the birds, owls, squirrels and other critters (which I did) That led me to think about the time G&I were on a VBT bike tour in Vermont several years ago. We stayed a couple of nights at the Three Stallion Inn, where the Morgan Horse was "invented". It's a 5-star kind of bread & breakfast.

In the rear of the property, amongst some walking trails, there was a pond, with a bench. So G&I sat down, I took my sandal's off, and put my toes in the water. Low & behold, some trout came up, and "kissed" my toes. It was so peaceful and tranquil. I visited the pond many, many times while we stayed there, just to relax, and enjoy the little trout. After a while, I coined the phrase that I was "one with the trout" as we were friends while I was at the pond, and they forced me to relax, and take in nature.

I did relax, and only after the bike tour was over, did G tell me that the pond, was the "stock pond" for the inns restaurant, and the trout who I had become friends with, were served to some meanie who orders trout for dinner!!!

Oh well, I believe we are still friends, and I also believe that today was one of those days that I was "one with the trout". I hope to continue this trend


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inside that squirelly body of yours beats the heart of a poet.

This is not diminished by the notion that your stinky toe jam became food for the fish which became food for .... well, someone.

I will continue to pray that you have more days when you are "one with the trout."

Your friend,

4:58 PM  

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