Friday, February 03, 2006

Could not come up with a clever heading!

It's the start of a new year, and time is a flyin! I have to go up North tomorrow am. to do some performance testing on the bike, with some of my fellow VQ teammates. This is a baseline test, which will be very beneficial for me, as I have not had any performance testing done since spring of 04. I know that I have lost a tremendous amount of fitness, BUT I want to see how far I have come, since I have really been back on the bike. Confused? Me too, but bare with me.

I go to see Mad Max & Nurse Barb on Monday. Mad Max is my ortho surgeon, and a pretty cool dude. He's world re-nouned and all of that good jazz. He also knows where to find oatmeal raisin cookies for me in the hospital. After my second surgery, I "ran" into him, literally, while I was cruising in the wheelchair, and he gave me a tour of the place. He then asked "what kind of cookies do you like?" OATMEAL RAISIN I replied. Next thing I knew, I had a handful of homemade cookies! I wonder what he would've done if I said banana-nut-pecan-blueberry cookies? He's good, but maybe not that good.

Here's Wes Hartman and myself. Wes & his Father, Gordy stopped by our house on the way to Chicago in December of 04, as Wes was signing his professional cycling contract w/ Advantage Benefits the next day. G made dinner for all of us, and the Hartman's stayed the evening.

Wes, G & I before we all head out for the day. Five hours later, Wes was a professional athlete.

After a crash in California resulting in a broken collar bone, Wes won his first race in his professional career at Super Week Stage Race!!! Not bad for a guy who has an "ugly doll" because he's afraid of the dark!


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