Saturday, September 22, 2007

Pain by any other name is still Pain

I committed to a ride this am, after being "badgered" by The Badger himself. He knows where to stick the knife in, and then twist so gently. This was the first one since my "flare up" earlier in the week. Dr. Maxey gave me some non-steroidal anti-imflammatories, and they seem to help, but not 100%. I had to do some blood work, to rule out an infection, and then I can go to the better stuff when the results get back. Here's the ride line up for this am:
Little Mikey, The Badger & Me. Did a really nice 30-something miler, nothing too hard, as they did all of the pulling & I sat in the draft. I need to get back into some shape, as I plan on doing one final race of the year in a couple of weeks, and maybe some cyclo-cross riding??? We shall see.


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