Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Off to See the Wizard........

Went to see Nurse Barb this am. I felt like a car had hit me when I walked in, and once she appeared & called my name, I felt a whole lot better. Nurse Barb & I have been teasing & picking on each other for about 3 years now, and she can dish it out about as good as she can take it.
She's pretty cool, and always makes a trip to see Dr. Maxey enjoyable.
So we start off with the routine stuff, questions, x-rays, blah, blah, blah. I felt like the Turtle was at the Turtle Hospital getting the work over.

I explain to Mad Max what's going on with the right leg (fin) etc. We review the x-rays, do the stretching, pulling etc.
Tendinitis. Get some blood work done, then we'll prescribe some anti-imflammatories, here's some narcotics for the pain, and off we go!
I hope this works. I have re-joined my cycling coaching group, Vision Quest Coaching, and plan to be racing & ripping my competitors legs off in 2008. I don't mean that in a figurative sense, I mean literally!


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