Saturday, January 06, 2007

Cycling, Squigs & Square Cuts

Sent an e-mail off to Dr. Watson this week, with an update of where I am at, ie: incisions are healing, no pain per se, being a good boy etc. He cleared me to go partial/full weight bearing as tolerated, as long as I was in the boot. I could do other activities as tolerated as well. So I started "walking" around the house, indoors between the countertops with the cane, just in case I fell over like last time.I feel good, considering that I have a new rod in my left tibia, a hardware store full of screws, a bunch of incisions, had a bone graft inserted and have layed on my rear on & off for 2.5 weeks.

So yesterday, I decided that I need to get back on the bike. Indoors, in a small gear, just to turn the legs over, and get my heart rate going to improve circulation. So I did, this morning, after G got home from group power class, as she would KILL me if I tried to go downstairs on my own.

I have a really wild hairdo, which will lead me into the next half.

I rode for 45 minutes in a 39x17 gear. Worked long & hard enough to build up a sweat. It felt great!

When G&I were in Quincy for Thanksgiving, my bro& sis-in-law were in from TX, with their kid's Tyler (13) & Shay (10). They brought their dog, Ellie. Well, Shay & I were being silly, and I told her that Ellie needed a "square-cut" ie: haircut. One thing led to another, and were teasing each other about square-cuts, and that Shay did not need a square-cut, because she wore a "squig" ie: a wig. She denied it, so after months of research, I found out the truth. Shay does wear a squig, and here's a picture of her wearing the proof:

She can no longer deny the squig, although it does look like she needs a square-cut!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lookin' good in the kit. Can't wait to have you back.
Ooohhh . . . is that what an indoor cycle trainer looks like. Heard of 'em and I think I have one somewhere . . . .
Be good!

9:34 PM  

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