It's A Date!!!!!
Have word, a plan and a date! Dr. Watson and I have been exchanging e-mails re: my upcoming surgery. He received the CT's a week ago or so, and made a diagnose as follows: "Have reviewed the scans.....not as big a defect as I thought...with evidence of "hypertrophic" bone...which is I suspected I think the healed fibula has acted as a distraction force...I would.... 1) cut a small segment of fibula out...(which heals back very quickly)..and.... 2) exchange your rod to 1 size larger diameter...which is placed with a reamer device which helps to produce a small bone graft at the defect...that.and the fibular osteotomy will aid in compressing the tibial segments well I would... ..3) graft the lateral side (where the main defect is..(see pics)...using iliac aspirate and bone morphogenic protein....OP-1.....which I will need you to sign a special consent form as this can only be used as an "humanitarian use exemption"...used only in special cases where the bone has not healed after numerous attempts"
So, just got word From Pat, scheduler at Dr. Watson's office that December 15th is the day!
In the interim, I have been swimming 4-5 times per week (about 6400-7300 yards or 3.5-4 miles) , trying to get in SOME shape for surgery. Dr. Reid & I have been hitting the Riverplex in Peoria, as they have a 75 foot lap pool, and he has given me "the business" during workouts, making it really tough. After a 10 minute warmup, it's pyramid laps, then finish off with 10 sets of 50 yard sprints. The Yoga Nazi joined us last Sunday for a workout as well. I cannot believe how fast they are. Dr. Reid & I raced last Friday, 100 yards, and he went to the 125 yard mark to make it fair. He STILL beat me, barely though, I like to believe.
Here's some pictures Dr. Reid took while we were swimming. Look at the form, the grace and the technique I have. Don't look at the thinning head of hair. Oh well, you can't have it all in life!