Saturday, October 25, 2008

Cross (Reality) Check

I learn new things every day, I think. One of the things I learned recently is that my true competitive days of cross racing may be slightly impeded by the fact that 1. I cannot pull out of my left pedal to dismount, one of the nasty little side effects of having a broken tibia 2. I cannot run, as the doctors told me I would not be able to, and they were correct and 3. Even if I could do number 1 & 2, the odds of re-fracturing my tibia in half again, are probably very great, so I shall not attempt this. Been there, done that, not fun.

I have been riding cross several times per week, playing hooky from the office, training, and then coming back to the office to finish my work. The daylight changes next weekend, so it may be weekends only from this point forward.

Had a couple of awesome cross workouts in the past week. Last Saturday the "VQ" coaching group went out to Lake Evergreen, where we hit some really fast single tracks, followed by some awesome wide open trails, to do a 110% VO2 max effort. I was completely gassed after 10 laps of that. I bonked with about 3 laps to go, and the legs were on empty. This am, we did a pretty good cross workout at a park in Morton, consisting of some bike skills stuff like bumper bike etc.

I crashed coach Stan-O during the bump & grind session. Oh well. I then proceeded to crash myself into Mitchell, which was pretty cool as well. Cross is like Fight Club, just on bikes, that's all. Male aggression taken out on each other, on grass, just to get up and do it again!

After the cross workout, we headed over to Village Courts, the gym that I work out at for a kettlebell instruction.

The VQ group, including myself got a pretty good eye opener. Kettlebell has been around for ages, mainly in eastern block countries. This will be an awesome supplement to our winter/off season training. Hope I can make it through!


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