Monday, September 15, 2008

Seasonal Trivia

Been laying kind of low. Got some pic's, little out of order, but you'll get the point. About a week & a half ago, Dr. Larry & I went to Springfield, IL. for the annual Springfield Bike Club Century ride with Team Mack. This made The Turtle nervous, as he hasn't ridden over 70 miles at one time in over 4 years! We had a pretty small group, that decided that they were going to "race" the ride, which we did. The weather was beautiful, winds were light, and we all had a blast. Uncle Gary was pulling strong, but The Turtle took second place in the sprints competition, as he was keen enough to recognize the "Stop Ahead" signs before anyone else, and took the sprints.

Last Friday Biker Danny & I went down to Jefferson City, MO. to race the Capitol City Crierium. The Tour of Missouri finished on the criterium course between races. It was pretty cool to watch the Pro's come rolling in from the road race, do 2x2.5 mile circuit around the capitol building, then finish! Biker Danny & I did the pro, 1,2,3 event in the afternoon, followed by the 3/4 race at 10 pm. There was a wicked descent, then slight up hill, then another wicked descent, followed by a 90 degree right hand turn and a straight up "wall" of a hill about 1.5 blocks long! Needless to say, The Turtle got dropped like a lead weight in water. Took 2 laps of that, and I was off the back in each race! Pretty humiliating, but I could not pull it off any better. I did my best, and will live to fight another day. Got some cool pics of the pro's afterward, including the final overall winner Christian Vande Velde, right as he was about to give interviews to the press corp. He recognized me, asked for my autograph and thanked me for not being in the Tour of Missouri, as he would have had a tougher time securing the overall jersey!


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