Saturday, January 24, 2009

Onward & Updates

Was out of town last week for business. No new updates, sorry. Back in the saddle, literally.

It has been so cold here, and snowy, that a ride outdoors would be slightly impossible, if not dangerous. So, we head indoors, riding the computrainers.

The local cycling club, Proctor Bike Club has a really neat indoor setup, all hooked up to a multi-rider system, where 12 of us can be on the same home computer, competing against each other if we choose.

The bad part of this, as they are extending a favor to us VQ Ratz is the time we can use their facility is 6am, yes, you read that correctly, 6am on Saturday mornings. What does this mean for The Turtle? I have to be out of bed by 4am, eat, and slog my way out of the house by 5:25 am to be there at 5:45 to setup and ready to go. Talk about UGLY! I was always a "seize the day" morning person, but since my accident, I need a solid 8 hours of sleep & elevating the legs to get through the day. The bones need rest, and by the end of each day, my left leg gets pretty swollen, so it needs that time. Whining? No. Just the facts Ma'am.

So, this am, again, same routine. We did a SOLID 2+ hours on the CT, with 16 x 30 second "pops" at 120%-130% of our LT, combined with 73% of our LT for 2 hours, then, 4 x 3 minute drag out fights at 50-60 cadence at 130% of our LT. Tough? Yes. Smoked? Yes. Back for more? Yes.

Speaking of fights, it was kind of like Fight Club: Mischief. Mayhem. Soap.

Little update here: Remember back about 498 blob postings and the bet that I had with The Badger re: The "negative" button? You know, the button on the CT to make it easier, when you are suffering like a dog that's been beat too much? Kind-of-like the "EASY" button at Staples.

Well, during observation of today's indoor workout, the negative button was in FULL swing. Oh no you say! Oh YES! In full swing by most, with exception of a few, mainly The Badger & The Turtle, who dutifully chose the "positive" button for the last quarter or so of the workout!


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